Mesac season 3 has just started and the sports are baseball and badminton. The first day was Monday, the 31st. But it is not too late for 8 graders who want to join to try out. Here are six reasons that you should join!
Baseball is not an ASIAC sport. The only way that you can play baseball on a team at AES is to join MESAC. In fact, because baseball is not a very widely played sport in India, MESAC baseball is one of the only opportunities to play here.
image by CC-Mr. Curey
You have free time and you are bored.
image by CC-Mr. Curey
You get to compete with local teams and college teams. Mesac teams get to compete with local school and college teams.
image by CC-Mr. Curey
Learn a new sport. The more sports you know the better. You never know what might be your next sport
image by CC-Mr. Curey
Play with your friends and get a chance to make new friends. Ever felt like a break wasn’t enough time to hang out? Now you have an additional 2 hours two hang out with your friends.
image by CC-Mr. Curey
Get to know High Schoolers before you move their next year. Get a headstart at making friends in High school who can give you insider tips.