Benefits of Learning in Groups at School
In school, I always want to study with my friends. I find learning more entertaining in that way. Generally, students get quickly bored in class, and that affects the whole learning progress of that student. Studying in groups can stop this. However, someone could say that working in a group just makes things worse as friends joke, fool around, and waste time rather than focusing on learning. However, there are two sides to every coin, and it depends on personal preference. Overall, learning with others is more effective than studying alone. To start with, learning in a group can be more stimulating and engaging than studying individually, as the sharing of ideas creates an environment that fosters better learning and participation in class. When studying together, there is often someone who has a greater understanding of certain concepts, which allows others to gain knowledge from them. This may result in better school performance and grades, and peer mentoring could help students gain more confidence. Moreover, if one student misses some parts of the class, another student in the group could help that person out without the teacher having to come and guide them individually. Owing to this, the teacher's workload could be reduced, and the time spent on a unit could decrease as students collaborate and get the work done faster. Secondly, working together also brings many benefits to student's relationships with peers and creates a school community with a strong bond with one another. By working together on tasks or projects, participants are also able to develop their social skills, like communication and problem-solving skills, while still gaining educational benefits from the school activities. Another benefit of collaboration in school is that students can prepare for their future outside of society, where teamwork is inevitable, and students educated in this way could get many more opportunities and a higher chance of success. In conclusion, I believe that learning in groups provides many advantages over individual study because of the collaboration students do, and that not only to gain new information but also to go toward the goal of academic success of each student. Hence, teachers should consider increasing collaborative work for students at school. Read more stories from #Hyunseong