Bring Back Snacks
If you have been at AES since 2019, you may remember the middle school kiosk. When the school was shut down towards the beginning of COVID, students were sent home 'for a few weeks.' People did not know this would be the last time they would see the middle school kiosk open. Now that cases have decreased, we are back at school, and the Tiger's Den has re-opened, students are left wondering why their favourite snack shack is still closed. This is even more frustrating when you consider the highschool has their snackbar open. We messaged a highschool student and asked if this was true. You may argue that we don't need the kiosk to be open and we can go to Tiger's Den during breaks, but middle school students do not necessarily have the time or ability to go to the Tiger's Den. The kiosk provided a quick snack during those shorter breaks! I am sure you are aware of how many students are hanging out on the 3rd floor, unable to social distance while playing table football during break. The middle school kiosk used to be a fun place where most kids would hang out. The re-opening of the Snack Bar would allow for fewer students on the smaller 3rd floor. We appreciate the fact that the long queues may be unhelpful with social distancing; however, it is ultimately the responsibility of the middle school students to keep a safe space between them. Why should the kiosk stay closed if we can do this safely? 8th grade teacher Ms Zadoo agrees with this idea "In previous years, the Tiger Kiosk has been open without problems, I don't see why it should stay closed." We want the middle school kiosk back. Your opinion matters, and every voice makes a difference. In the comments below, you can help by telling us why you think the snack bar should re-open! Follow for more stories by #Ken and #Charlie