Camp Panther WOW 7
Last week was Week WithOut Walls, otherwise known as WOW. There were two camps that all the 7th graders went to, one of them was called Camp panther. At Camp Panther we went zip-lining, we did stream science, and we went on a nature walk. At the camp there was rock climbing wall and a pool that was colder than the AES pool. At the zip-line area, we were strapped into the safety equipment. we first had to go through zip-line training. After that we trust a single flimsy wire stretching from one side of The Ganga to the other. Fortunately, we all successfully made it to the other side and back again…alive. After crossing the Ganges the first time, our guide guided us to what seemed like a normal tree. We were then told to look close at a tree. It had scratch marks that belonged to a panther! The second activity was the stream science, where, in groups of two, we collected small animals from the river and studied them with a microscope. We were asked to identify the different features that the bug had and write them down in our journals. My partner and I found two different types of mayfly, while others found different types of larvae. On the nature walk, we sat down at different spots and journaled about what we saw. We journaled in the at the beach, the area above the beach covered in rocks, and an area in the forest which was filled with monkeys. They were looking at us, so we left early. We were all sad that WOW came to an end, but we were happy to see our families, and our nice, comfortable beds at the end of the 7 hour bus ride back home.