Colin is a Singer!
Everyone has their own creative way of expressing things- through drawing, performances, and songs. The Creative Expression (which is part of POP) is one of the platforms to express such creativity. The Creative Expression showcase took place during ET on Thursday, May 18th where the eighth grade presented their POP topics in unique ways. Colin Singer was one of the performers who wrote a song about Domestic Violence against Women called: The Unfinished Letter. In curiosity to learn more about Colin’s song, The Direct Message interviewed him. Neha: What is the meaning behind the title of your song? Colin: The reason why I chose the Unfinished Letter to be my song title is because it symbolizes the comparison of young girls to young boys. As soon as little girls are born in India, they immediately have a lower ranking in society than boys. I chose to put this [the title of the song] as Unfinished Letter because their [young girl’s] story can never quite be fully told, or sent out into the real world, rather than young boys in India. Neha: What was the message you were trying to get across to the audience? Colin: I couldn’t only focus on domestic violence in my song, so I wanted to make the message about gender inequality against women in India, and how big this problem is. The lyrics of Colin’s song are as follows. In the darkness of the room
A little girl stood there
Like a baby in a womb
Eyes closed and no threat
She didn’t need a shield
She wouldn’t have to fret
For the girl in the womb
Was as safe as she was dead Little girls are crying
On how their brothers are learning
While they’re stuck at home working
On the dish that needs drying
Little girls are crying
Dreaming that it’ll get better
But dreams don’t happen
If you’re the unfinished letter But when the day’s end
And they’re stuck at home alone
You feel nothing but pavement
The cold hard ground on your bones
They just wish these people
Wouldn’t make negative tones
They’ve got no power
And hope they don’t throw stones When she grows up
The rules will never change
Because who will develop
If you have nothing to arrange
And she’ll still go on
Being ridiculed
Because a girl phenomenon
Is nothing but a But when the day’s end
And they’re stuck at home alone
You feel nothing but
The cold hard ground on your bones
They just wish these
Wouldn’t make negative tones
They’ve got no
And hope they don’t throw stones She grew up to be
a girl phenomenon
She wasn’t
the first woman
For violence to go on and on
Too much of her being beaten
Caused her to be done