Minute By Minute Review of the 2018 Talent Show
11:15 Start Act 1: Nicholas: Seungyoon and Advay are starting the talent show strong! Eduard: Very enthusiastic. I like how seungyoon said that nba was baseball and fortnite is Nintendo. Nicholas: Now we have JaeHun playing despacito! That takes a lot of courage. JeongHun: Fast beats, nice rhythm. Dan: No mistake in his act. Good job! Mr. Currey: Why is EVERYONE not dancing right now?! Nikita: The whole audience is silent as they listen to the wonderful piece. Mr. Currey: This is a church audience if I’ve ever seen one. Nikita: LOL Mr. Currey: Des – pa – cito. SeungYoon doing his best to get the audience in to this show. Nikita: Crowd goes wild. Photo Credit: Isaac Currey Nicholas: Now we have Aris for gymnastics! Nicholas: She is INCREDIBLY flexible, how has she not broken a bone yet!? Dan: I have no words. Amazing!! Eduard: That split was shocking. And what a finale! JeongHun: Her movements are amazing, nicely matching with song. Mr. Currey: Everyone in this audience is sore just from watching. Meanwhile, Aris keeps bending and jumping like it’s no big deal. Boss. Nikita: What memorisation! Mr. Currey: That last move. How does a body do that? We have an answer: Advay’s body does not move like that. He sure injured himself trying to replicate Aris’ performance. Photo Credit: Isaac Currey Nicholas: What an incredible voice! Mr. Currey: Ayla Dhar singing = Goosebumps. Satvik: Wow, I never knew that Ayla could sing! JeongHun: My voice cracks when I try that. Eduard: I can’t believe she wrote this song herself! Nikita: What?! Really?! Photo Credit: Isaac Currey Satvik: The energy in this dancing is unreal! Mr. Currey: Sophie and Kai take the stage to dance to a Drake song. This might be a good time to say that I think Drake is overrated. Sophie and Kai however…underrated. Camila: Everyone is sitting mouth opened at their performance. Eduard: So much energy is these guys! JeongHun: What strong movement! Mr. Currey: I am seriously impressed with how synchronized they are. This makes me feel bad about myself as a dancer. Nicholas: Someone please tell Advay to stop dancing. Photo Credit: Isaac Currey Nicholas: WOW! Katie is singing beautifully, I’m holding back my tears. Mr. Currey: This reminds me of 8th grade. As in, my 8th grade year. I definitely saw this movie in theatres with my friend Rachel. Good times. Eduard: She is hitting the perfect notes. So much confidence. Nikita: Is she in choir? JeongHun: She must be a singer in future. Act 2: Photo Credit: Isaac Currey Mehak: Woah! So vintage it sounds amazing. Mr. Currey: I love classical guitar and this ensemble did the art form justice. Photo Credit: Isaac Currey Mehak: There moves are incredible. Hitting those beats. Yubin: Oh my god! I love this song! Yubin: They are so synchronized! Menaha: Wow. Wow. Wow. I really can’t say anything else. Mehak: I have no words for this performance. I’m speechless. Mr. Currey: Confession: I love K-Pop. Menaha: I CAN BE RESPONSIBLE!! Mr. Currey: Now the crowd gets into it. Great job by Yumin and HaYoung of getting the crowd clapping and pumped up. Camila: I love the combination of Kpop and contemporary. Mehak: What is she going to do? Camila: She is getting the crowd engaged. Photo Credit: Isaac Currey Mr. Currey: MAGIC! I am so excited! I really wanted to be a volunteer. Yubin: Oh my god! How did she manage to guess that? Camila: Whoahh!! That’s real magic! Menaha: Safety is number one priority. Mr. Currey: I think is is so brave to get in front of the entire middle school and do magic. That is the most magical part of this performance. Mehak: RIP bob. Camila: I guess bob isn’t dead after all! Yubin: Bob is alive! Menaha: I think we should stop fantasizing over Bob now. Mehak: This was insane! Nikita: That last one really stumped me, the one with the glass and the hat. How did she do that? Photo Credit: Isaac Currey Mehak: OMG! MOANA I LOVE IT SOOO MUCH! Yubin: I remember her from last years‘ stalest show as well! She is amazing!! Mr. Currey: Moana – YouJung is doing a great job with this song. You know who also loves this song and did a great job of singing it? Rahul B. Camila: Who doesn’t like Moana? Menaha: WHY IS NO ONE SINGING ALONG?! Camila: Wow!! She is doing a great job reaching all the high notes. Yubin: How can she sing those high notes so perfectly?? MEHAK: I’M OVERFLOWING WITH EXCITEMENT! Menaha: No one knows how far your talent goes either, Yujeong. Mehak: Am I the only one singing along? Menaha: MEHAK I’M RIGHT NEXT TO YOU. Photo Credit: Isaac Currey Mehak: It’s Bernie FINALLY! He’s soooo talented. Mr. Currey: I am feeling the Bern. Photo Credit: Isaac Currey Mehak: Dana is killing it. Camila: What a great idea! Sooo many K-pop songs in one act. Yubin: She is dancing to all my favorite songs! Mr. Currey: Holy smokes, hidden talent from Dana. Her moves are really precise. Menaha: I’m not entirely sure where my goosebumps are from. The cold, or Dana. Act: 3 Mr. Currey: New announcers – Carrie and Eva. They can’t decide on stand up or singing. I am hoping for both! Photo Credit: Isaac Currey Dan : Let’s go JFKFC!!! Nikita: LETS ROCK!!! Nikita: So different from the others. Dan: These guys have a bright future. Dan: I’m definitely coming to their future concerts. Am: This is my favourite middle school band and they’re playing my favourite song! Everybody is clapping! Oh my this is fun! Way to go Eshan and Rahul! Nikita: That must be exhausting on the drums. Photo Credit: Isaac Currey Am: LETS GO SURYA!! Dan: What an amazing voice!! And an incredible atmosphere right here in the theater!! Am: People are dancing to it! That’s how good it is! Mr. Currey: Heads bobbing throughout the audience and lots of singing along down in the 8th-grade section. Am: What a performance by one of our future class counsel! Nikita: It sounds just like a recording! So amazing! Photo Credit: Isaac Currey Am: ROASTED O_O Mr. Currey: SICK BURN from Carrie. She just told Eva she looked like a 6-year-old. All in the name of comedy. The audience liked it. Photo Credit: Isaac Currey Dan: That’s pure talent. Nobody can move their fingers as fast as she can! Am: Its so fast i can’t even keep up with the fingers! Nikita: I still don’t understand how these pianists move their hands so fast. Am: OH MY GOD SWORDSSS! Dan: Those swords don’t look so safe. Photo Credit: Isaac Currey Am: OH MY GOD BOARDS!!! Am: WHAT A KICK BY MIRA! Nikita: Their ready to kick some butt. Photo Credit: Isaac Currey Am: Everybody cheers for Maya! Way to go! Satvik: Incredible singing! Am: Wheres Valerie? Valerieeeeee!! Why don’t you come over Valerie!?! Nikita: I have to admit, this singing seems superhuman. Dan: Maya looks like she is really passionate about the song. That’s what makes it one of the best performances of this show. Mr. Currey: I really like the raw quality of her voice. Amy Winehouse-esque. Photo Credit: Isaac Currey Dan: Kpop? I didn’t expect that. Am: Everybody on stage is so synchronized! Dan: I can see everyone smiling. It has to be spectacular! Satvik: Didn’t expect this to be KPOP, a pleasant surprise! Nikita: Everyone loves Kpop. Mr. Currey: Gigi and Suhani are mic’d up and singing! Nikita: The biggest group yet, but so synchronized! Photo Credit: Isaac Currey Mr. Currey: Sahiba now introducing Aanchal school. Super cool to have our friends from Aanchal as a part of the talent show this year! Nikita: You can see they have worked so hard! Camila: How nice of them to come even though they are in summer break!! Nikita: The whole audience clapping. Camila: They are all so talented!! Nikita: The unexpected visitors cause a sensation!!! Camila: What a great way to end the talent show!! Mr. Currey: Mrs. Rogers deserves a lot of credit for putting on a wonderful show and helping it to run so smoothly. #SchoolNews #TalentShow