Senior Walk Class of 2022
Images by Ken CC/BY The class of 2022 will graduate tomorrow, congratulations! And, today was the Senior Walk, of course, a part of the High School graduation. In Middle School, everyone stood up from their chairs at 9:00 am to applaud the seniors who passed through the hallways of Middle School. All the students gathered on the 1st floor and made two lines that the seniors could walk through between the two lines. After a few minutes later of making the two lines in the hallway, the seniors came. The seniors wore graduation clothes colored yellow and black, and they walked with their partners that they decided to walk with. Their faces were filled with pride and happiness. The band was playing the graduation music all around school following the seniors. And colorful banners were waving from the crowd. Everybody from the pre-K that looked up to the seniors to the proud faculties cheered louder than they would cheer for an ASIAC team. The seniors then went to the High School building and began their celebration with their parents or guardians. The other wonderful ceremonies will be waiting for them after the congratulations of all the students of the American Embassy School. It was definitely a great event, and the seniors would not forget this excellent event. Also, other many events, not only the Senior Walk, are coming. The graduation ceremony will continue, and make new cool memories about the AES. CONGRATULATION, SENIORS!!! #Ken and #Matthew