2017 Disrupt Show Case
The hallways of AES are filled with stands of kids presenting on topics they have researched for months every fifth science class. Choosing to present on whatever they are passionate about no matter how little science is involved. This is the result of a program Ms.Uemura started two years ago, Disrupt. Every fifth class in both Miss. U and Mr. Margenau’s class the students put aside their normal units to research a topic of their choosing. The research was being done on topics ranging from social psychology to dragons. It creates an invite net where all interests can be taken seriously and developed. The show was a very interesting presentation. The sound of enthusiasm could be heard from across the campus (almost). For an hour the students presented to the on walking teachers and parents. Definitely an educational night. In the end all participants were taken to the HOP where they sat down with some popcorn and lemonade in their hands to watch the chosen six presenters to do their Presentation TED talk style. The topics were very interesting and presented in a very capturing way, from all students. The final TED talkers were really good, (and I don’t know who that boy doing social psychology was but man, he was great) *cough* me *cough.*