Hope Club – “Join Us This Saturday”
by Jesus Bovedo DE Castro, guest contributor This Saturday, 29th of April, we are taking a trip to the Asola Wildlife facilities with the kids from the Tigris school and it would be great if you could join us. It is taking place on the 29th of April, from 8:45 AM to 12:30-1 PM. This is a great opportunity that you wouldn’t want to miss. Hope club is an AES club in which middle schoolers and high schoolers work together in order to supply a Indian school called “Tigri School” with school material and awesome experiences that they might not be able to have in their small neighborhood. We meet every We meet every Wednesday to discuss the activities of our next trip, we organize one once a month. Since middle schoolers are not allowed to sell products or to ask for donations, the high schoolers are the ones that take care of that. The high schoolers have provided the Tigri students with enough books to create a small library. Middle schoolers were also allowed to participate in this, and we donated a portion of the books that are there. We, the middle schoolers, are in charge of a smaller number of kids, but Dr. Frazier said that the kids that are with us enjoy our activities more than the ones high schoolers prepared because we know better than anyone else what kids from our age like. A few weeks after winter break, the high schoolers managed to raise enough money to buy a computer for the school. We now play games such as hangman through Skype every Wednesday. I think everyone enjoys it, those kids and us. I think everyone enjoys it, the Tigri kids and us. They also win the games most of the time, which shows just how bright these kids are. Our goal in Hope Club is for all kids in that neighborhood to go through middle school with good grades, and also to have fun experiences learning about all the amazing cultural places in Delhi. This Saturday, 29th of April, we are taking a trip to the Asola Wildlife facilities with the kids from the Tigris school and it would be great if you could join us. It is taking place on the 29th of April, from 8:45 AM to 12:30-1 PM. This is a great opportunity that you wouldn’t want to miss. If you are interested, please email Dr. Frazier ( rfrazier@aes.ac.in ) for more information. If you can’t come this year, please consider joining us next year. And if you are an 8th grader, there is Hope Club in high school too. Hope that you can come take part in Hope Club this Saturday. Thank you, Jesus Bovedo DE Castro and Varun Cairae #8thGrade #SchoolNews #7thGrade #Service #6thGrade #HopeClub #AwESome