Humans of Middle School: Tanush Soni!
How do you balance out MESAC tennis, and ASIAC? I do Asiac on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s and Saturday’s, and Mesac on Monday Wednesday Friday, and Saturday. On weekdays, I reach home after 7 everyday. It’s a busy schedule, but I get to play my two favorite sports throughout the week! So it’s worth it! Doing homework and getting enough sleep is tough, but again, I think it’s worth it. What made you decide to do both ASIAC table tennis and MESAC? In 6th grade my friends told me to go for ASIAC table tennis. I went because it would be more fun being with my friends, rather than sitting at home doing homework. After sixth grade, I took Table Tennis more seriously, and now it’s a sport that I love and take seriously. For MESAC, I made the ASIAC Tennis team last year, and what better way to pursue it than by doing MESAC? #MESAC #HumansofMiddleSchool #8thGrade #ASIAC #Interview #AwESome