Keeping up with the quarter-shians
This quarter has been a very challenging and exciting time. There are many highlights that we can go back to. For example, strings classes have given performances, artwork has been displayed around the school and students have held their own ASA’s. This quarter the string class has been thriving. They have given performances left and right, “I had performances at the Holi and international festival and had performances in assembly as well,” shared Mrs. V. Mrs. V has also tried things that she had not gotten to experience at AES yet. “The WOW trip was different, and I met many new students that I didn't know before because otherwise, I don't meet people from other classes that don't take strings.” Like many of the middle schoolers, Mrs. V was going on her first AES WOW trip, since she missed out in her first year due to COVID. Mrs. V has been pushed to her limits this quarter. “Im involved in the middle school play production, and I've directed plays before, but what was new for me is that I had to learn new software to be able to do the music and the sound effects for the play.” Like middle school students, trying new things truly can challenge teachers too. Many students have been excited to join back on campus so they could join their favorite classes, and students in the art class have found it exhilarating coming back on campus. “I'm still super excited that we were in the classroom and that we were not online because it's amusing to get hands-on and play with clay and paint and all those things that's hard to do when you're trying to do art from your house,” expressed Mrs. Willcott. It really has been challenging for all classes, so to see all this effort coming from the art class is impressive. Mrs. Willcot has been testing new things for her art class. “Instead of having one big art show at the end of the year like we used to do before COVID, what we started doing - I and all the other art teachers - is that we display things around the school as they finish so everyone gets to see their art up on the walls or around the library, and then they get to take them home. So It's more of an all-year-long art gallery.” It is fascinating to see how things have been changing for the better this quarter for the art students. Finally, student-led ASA’s have been booming this quarter. Cooper, a grade 7 student, has led the board games club. This club challenged him in ways where he could learn from experience, “I had to figure out how to manage the people playing board games. There was a lot of organization that I had to do.” The student-led ASA did really test the student's limits. This quarter was fascinating and challenging, We had many performances from strings, art displayed around the school, and student-led ASA’s, overall this was a very upstanding quarter. See more stories from #Salma