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Points for Peace

Image by United Nations Do you want to earn some points for your fort? Well, this week there’s a very easy way to earn them. On Thursday September 21st, we are celebrating World Peace day at school. You may be wondering what that event is. World Peace day is a holiday organised by the United Nations. This is a day for all of humanity to agree to put tranquillity above any other priority and to work towards creating a culture of peace. This has been designated as a day dedicated to “commemorating and strengthening the ideals of peace both within and among all nations and peoples” by the United Nations General Assembly. From all over the world people embrace this day by wearing the colour white. Now it's time to earn some points! On Thursday students are suggested to come to school wearing as much white as possible so we can support Peace day as well as get some points for our forts . MS staff can also contribute! To register points, students can go to find Ms. Mac in the HOP foyer and she’ll keep count for the forts. See more stories from #Areebah

Points for Peace
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