Student Exit Interviews: 8th Grade – Part Three
This year, 65 students are leaving us and are going to various countries around the world. Each week, we will publish these interviews for those students who will be leaving. Down below are the interviews of 5 of the 25 students in 8th Grade who will be leaving AES this year. Bernhard “Bernie” Woessner “I’ve been at AES for three years. I’d describe it as the best school in the world. I hope other students and teachers will remember me as someone who helped them and gave them food. I will miss my friends the most. I am moving to Jakarta, and my plans are to be a better student than here.” Maanvi Chawla “I have been at AES for four and a half years. AES has a welcoming environment. I hope people remember me as nice and a good person. I will miss my friends, and how much fun I had with them, my classes, and the way things are taught here, and my teachers, who were really nice and patient. We are moving to Saratoga, which is in the Bay Area in California.” Maya Vyas “I have been at AES for six years now, and 5 words is definitely not enough to describe AES. But I would have to say that AES has been an amazing experience. I hope that people will remember me as a funny girl who is down to earth. I think something I will miss the most about AES is the culture and community. The community is accepting and the atmosphere is happy. I’ve created some of my best memories on the AES campus, and ones that I hope to remember in future years. I’m moving to New Jersey, and I hope to strive there and make most of my high school years whilst working hard. All in all, I won’t forget AES and the people I met in it.” Nora Woolley “I have been at AES for four years. I’d decribe my experience at AES as exciting, different, difficult, and fun. I hope that students and teachers will remember me as kind, caring, and fun to be around. I will miss the campus the most but I will also miss all of my friends and teachers. I will be moving to Istanbul, Turkey. I will be starting year 10 in a British school and I will be starting my IGCSE’s, which will be something very new and different for me.” Menaha Malik “I’ve been at AES for 8 years. I arrived here as an excited, homesick, short 1st grader in 2010 from San Francisco, and when AES was the Falcons. In five words, I’d describe my experience at AES as eye-opening, challenging, fun, thought-provoking, and home. Is that too many? I hope students remember me as someone who was willing to help out, and as someone who was approachable and could always silently listen. I hope students also remember me as a funny individual who may have been a bit too easy to scare, and just a bit forgetful (with Dory as her soulmate). I hope teachers remember me as a hard-working student who wanted to give everything her best shot. I’m going to miss so many things. India and its culture. My few friends, who’ve made every single day at school worth it. And my teachers, who have opened my eyes to the world around me and taught me so many things I would never have known without them. Along with my family, I’m going to be moving back to Los Altos, California (half an hour drive away from San Francisco) and our old home. I’m going to be going to Saint Francis, a co-ed Catholic High School just a minute away from home (and directly opposite a Safeway. An important note). I plan to graduate and go to college in the US, and throughout my years in school, I plan to find the few things I’d like to pursue in life, and make the most out of the many privileges I have. Along with this, I plan to finally meet my righteous soulmate – Dory. But no matter what, I’ll never forget my time here. Thanks, AES.” #AwESome #8thGrade #ExitInterviews