Taito City
Taito City or Taitoku is a part of Tokyo Japan. Taitoku has a population of 186,276 which makes Taito city the 3rd least populated ward in Tokyo. Although Taito is one of the least populated, It is one of the most popular places to visit in Tokyo, due to their many famous structures. Some of these places you might have seen in videos, anime, drawings, pictures, etc. But what's in this city that makes it so popular? Sensoji is one of the most famous Japanese temples and is one of the main attractions in Taito city. If you are interested in museums we have tons of them. The National Museum of Western Art, Mitsui Memorial Museum, The Sumida Hokusai Museum, National Museum of Nature and Science and finally the Tokyo National Museum to name a few. If you are visiting Taito city during March to mid April you are in for a treat. A Pink and blossoming treat, called the Sakura Season. In Taito city the best spot to see the sakura trees is Sakura Taitoku Sumida Park. Japan also has a rich storytelling history. One of these forms is called Rakugo. You can watch Rakugo in the Suzumoto Engeijo theater. But you would need to understand Japanese a lot because Rakugo uses old Japanese and they tend to speak really quickly. Capsule hotels are popular and a really new experience. If you’ve never stayed in one, Tokyo is well known for their capsule hotels. There are a lot of options for capsule hotels just in Taito city. They are 1.5 meter tall, 4 meters long and 1.5 meters wide. The floor is a bed usually containing a tv with headphones and luggage storage, bathing stuff and shoe storage. Although Skytree is not a part of Taito city, it is close enough that you can see it from the river that separates Taito City and the Skytree area. Skytree is one of the most iconic structures of Japan is the Skytree, which finished construction on February 2012. Food is a popular subject when it comes to Japan and Taito City is no different.There are so many delicious mouth watering foods in Taito city. From ramen to sushi to dango and much much more. There are so many places to eat in Taito city you should search for yourself. Or if you want a bit of everything or look at some restaurants and see which you want to try I recommend going to a Shoutengai. A Shoutengai is a long straight road and on either side there are shops. It is a commercial district and is crowded and closed to vehicles. There are a lot of options for food, gifts, most items, convenience stores, etc. You can go around walking down a Shoutengai like Ameyokocho or Hoppy street which is right next to Senso ji. And you can eat a bit of this and a bit of that from different shops. But what is a good way to travel from one place to another? It depends on the distance of the place you want to go but the most common way to travel in Japan is by train. Trains are used in Japan for so many reasons like it's the most efficient and cheap and it also helps the environment. Although this sounds all good if you are a foreigner buying and transitioning trains is difficult and although people are willing to help if you don’t speak Japanese it's stressful and traveling will take a long time. But if you are willing to ride a train there is a big train station called Asakusa station. Why not take a bus? A bus is 10 times more complicated to understand than the trains. So the most simple way to travel is a taxi. It's simple: you tell the driver where to go and if they doesn’t speak English use a translator or a map to show them where to go. Japan is also the only country where the taxis have automatic opening doors! But in Japan there are not many taxis and taxis are more expensive than in India. For more go to #Ken