On the Friday of October 8th, an ASIAC soccer match was held on the Tiger Turf and MS Field.
Although during COVID-times matches like this had been held before with badminton and track and field, this was the first time that a soccer match had been held with so many people spectating.

Watching and cheering for the different teams competing against each other was quite interesting. While some people were not too interested in soccer or cheering, most of the people there said they enjoyed watching. Because of the sheer amount of people coming to
spectate, there weren't enough seats for everyone to watch, meaning some had to sit on the ground.
“It was pretty fun [cheering for the players], but I would prefer just watching them play,” a student told me while watching the match.
After halftime, the spectators on the Tiger Turf moved to the MS Field to watch a different game. On the way to the MS Field, they briefly listened to a performance by the strings class which unfortunately was somewhat obstructed by the crowd of people surrounding the area, which made it hard to see the performers. Anyhow, they went on to spectate the game at the MS Field after watching the performance.

While on the MS Field,
there was plenty of room for everyone to sit, but that was because there were no seats, so everyone sat on the concrete floor. This made things more uncomfortable combined with the fact that spiders were crawling around in the grass right below.
“Some of the stands/viewing areas were bad, and it would’ve been better if it was indoors,” a student said.

Overall, excluding the uncomfortable seating, I think the soccer matches went pretty well. Although the cheering did not really work since it was mostly the teachers who were the ones cheering, and most people just wanted to watch the matches.