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A forest that has grown over a lengthy period of time and has mostly been free from severe disturbances has become known as an old-growth forest. Large, trees in forests that are more than 120 years old are considered old-growth.
Deforestation of Old Growth Trees:
Decline in Biodiversity: Many plant and animal species lose their habitats when these forests are removed. For example, it is estimated that approximately 10% of all known species in the world are found in the vast old-growth sections of the Amazon rainforest.
Cutting down old forests might make money quickly, but it can cause big problems later on. Keeping these forests intact can actually make more money in the long run. Things like eco-tourism, research, and the benefits these forests give to the environment can bring in more money over time than cutting them down right away for immediate profit.
Even though people are trying to protect them, old forests are still being cut down really fast. In places like the Amazon Rainforest, the number of trees being cut down has gone up a lot in the past few years. Forests are disappearing due to things like illegal logging, turning land into farms, and building roads and cities.
Old forests are very important to native people and folks who live nearby. They give them things they need to live and connect them to their history and beliefs. If these forests disappear, it can hurt native cultures and who they are.
Benefits of old-growth trees:
They improve the overall quality of the air.
Numerous animals call them home.
Mature trees absorb huge amounts of carbon.
Their large leaves have the ability to collect rainfall and prevent flooding.
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