Starting this Friday, Delhi will become the center of the political world for one weekend as leaders from the 20 most powerful countries in the world for the G20 summit. The G20 countries meet annually to discuss pressing problems like climate change. This year the motto for G20 is "One Earth. One Family. One Future," and this year India is the host!
G20 takes place on the 8th through the 10th of September. Sadly, this means that the school is going to go virtual on the 8th. Everywhere else is also going to be closed so make sure to do your shopping before the G20 starts.
This year G20 is discussing “Green Development, Climate Finance & Lifestyle for Environment (LiFE), Accelerated, Inclusive & Resilient Growth, Accelerating progress on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Technological Transformation” (India.gov.in). This is great for the students because they can do more activities outside without being affected by climate change. There is going to be a greater chance of things being resolved because these 20 countries are discussing world problems and to make a better world for the next generation.
Let's hope that G20 resolves some of our world problems and that future generations can go to middle school without fewer problems.
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Work Cited
https://newsonair.gov.in/News?title=India-to-invite-Bangladesh-as-guest-country-during-its-G-20-presidency&id=447615 . Accessed 24 August 2023 .
(“India to invite Bangladesh as guest country during its G-20 presidency”)
Works Cited
“The Group of Twenty (G20).” National Portal of India, 16 December 2022, https://www.india.gov.in/spotlight/group-twenty-g20. Accessed 28 August 2023